Red Heads Have More Fun!

Ashley Voortman @cheshirecat1582

Age 37, Female


The Art Institute

Minneapolis MN

Joined on 6/13/05

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Which website do you like better?

Posted by cheshirecat1582 - April 26th, 2009

Hey you all!!! Just wanted to let you know that I have my new site all up and running!! www.AshleyVoortman.com I keep changing my mind, Lol... If you check out on my Resumé page you will see a button with all the websites that I did for my self... I'm really unsure which one I liked the most so it would be really helpful if you could tell me what you think...

Heres the links incase your lazy...
My Website Now
My 1st Attempt
My 2nd Attempt
My 3rd Attempt

Thanks Everyone for keeping me inspired!


wherever i can see your tits


You're welcome.

3rd attempt is cool but the only thing i suggest is make it more user friendly. if you want to show off your work for any kind of job, they will want to see something right smack on there, not spend 10 minutes searching for a painting here and there.

I agree... I'm having problems figuring out how to make it user friendly and appealing to the eye.... It's allot harder then you think.. Lol Well thank you for your input!!!

i think to enter the site you should have the elevator thing that leads to a room like attempt 2 and depending on wether your going to flash or bio different things lik flash would the typwriter with catagories and flash on the keys bio could be a tv set and so on but thats just my opinion

Thats a good idea... I think thats kinda like what i did on the 1st attempt, but with out the typewriter... so your saying put the type writer in the 1st attempt one? I really like the elevator thing, its just i think it takes too long to get to the site then, and people will get board or something... Thanks for your input!!! Its greatly appreciated!

Hmm.. I think I like your third one best even thought it is too hard to find the links in a decent matter there. What's wrong with a nice clean website, no flash crap (its really shitty for websites) but a nice commercial-feel website.

You can always create some movies or whatever to fatten up your portfolio, am I right?

Yeah but i like flash... ANd i SUCK at Dream weaver... You should see the html site i did... if you go to my website that i have now... just www.ashleyvoortman.com and click on the non flash version you will see what im talking about... pretty crappy stuff...

There all amazing, but I think that 1 and 2 are the best.

Thanks!!! Yeah I think I like both those but everyone else seems to like the other ones... weird...

Neither, I prefer Ychan.

Thats not what i was asking... I wanted to know if you had to choose, which one you would pick... any I dont know what Ychan is...

I like the website now best out of the three. Although some might think it's a bit plain and simple, I think it looks much more inviting and is very user-friendly. I guess it really depends on what you're going for.
If an artsier approach IS what you want, then I would definitely go with number 3.

I agree with whoever said tits.

the whole messy desk thing is awesome for like a collage of an artistic piece, but for web design in this day and age, more people would prefer a blog of some sort over an ISpy user interface

you can have images on the site and around your text but don't make the buttons be the images. for example, the old newgrounds layout had pico and the characters all chillin around the links and stuff without disrupting navigation. links should be text not images

I feel like the one you have now is the most "average user oriented" like it gets everything out there for you to see it and that's it.
The first attempt was the one i found the most fun to navigate, but its kinda(kinda meaning you have to click on everything to find out what it is, i.e flash and contacts) hard to find things, I still think its was the coolest one.
The second attempt was easier to naviagate but was not very appealing, the music was a great choice for the back round though!
The third attempt reminded me of the first attempt, very fun to navigate threw, and this time the parts are labeled which allows it to be used by even the dumbest of internet users, so now that i think about it id go with this one or the first attempt with labels and some more gore or something. (geez i kinda went on a rant, i hope this helps eh.)

2nd attempt


I vote number 3!

I would go with 2, I think they're all great but some look lame. I'm just giving it to you straight foward lol =0

I liked the one with the songs... and the rollercoaster junky song is catchy lol.

what the others say